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Weekly Prayer Burdens
February 19, 2025



But go and learn what this means, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice,” for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

-Matt. 9:13


Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help

-Heb. 4:16


Prayer Burdens 

Note: These are the suggested corporate prayers for the church in Orlando. Please include in each praying group any other burden as the Lord leads.​



Local Burdens


  1. Intercede in prayer for the Florida College Conference this coming weekend in Conyers, Georgia. That all the speaking will have God as its source. That all registered will participate with an open, soft heart towards our Lord. Intercede that all the travel be under the heavenly ruling with healthy body, soul and spirit. That all will receive from God a special, personal word from Him. That the enemy be bind not being able to oppose, distract or damage this time.

  2. Petition in prayer that all saints in the church in Orlando will know God’s mercy. Not trusting in our efforts nor being disappointed by our failures. That we all would see that the hope for our wretched condition is in God’s mercy. Seeing that everything depends on God’s mercy.

  3. Intercede in prayer before the Lord for all the couples and households in Orlando. That in every situation we all will go before our God, opening our hearts and letting His peace arbitrate in us. Taking our own cross daily denying the self to be able to live under His resurrection power.​


International Burdens 


  1. Federal elections in Germany will be held on February 23. Pray that the sovereign Lord’s will would be done in the elections and that the outcome would be what is best for the furtherance of His testimony and the spreading of the gospel in Germany.




P.O. Box 677373
Orlando, FL 32867



Bill Whitman (321) 698-6192

Carlos Avendaño (678) 446-6180


Spanish (Español):

Juan Gonzalez (407) 202-1808


Chinese (中文 ):

Dan Su (732) 986-7038


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