There is a wonderful shining expression of the Body of Christ in central Florida!
In 1984 a couple came to Orlando to visit their family. Through their visit, the Lord raised up a small group meeting in the homes of three couples. Through these informal small groups, the Lord added many more together. In 1985 the church in Orlando was incorporated, receiving all genuine believers to express the Lord’s one Body on the earth.
Today we still meet in the believers’ homes. The Lord has continued to lead us to meet in small groups in the homes. The small groups provided an atmosphere where everyone can ask questions and everyone can share the Christ they enjoy. Much mutual encouragement takes place in these living and vibrant meetings.
Currently, there are home meetings throughout central Florida in the following cities: Apopka, South Orlando, West Orlando, and East Orlando.
We all meet together on the Lord’s Day morning; the current attendance is about one hundred or more. These meetings are a rich overflow of what everyone has enjoyed of Christ. The believers’ speaking is so rich that we encourage each one to speak for no longer than three minutes to allow time for everyone to share. We share in English, Spanish, and Chinese.